Custom Metabox Per Template
so this came about when i was tasked to create a custom metabox for a wordpress site at work. i didn’t want the metabox to appear unless a specific template was chosen — this is so as not to confuse the person in the admin with new options they shouldn’t be messing with.
i found this solution, but it wasn’t quite working in my admin. so i put on my wordpress/php developer cap and dissected it down to the following:
function custom_metabox_per_template() { global $pagenow,$typenow; if ( is_admin() && in_array( $pagenow, array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ) ) && $typenow == 'page') { ?> <script type='text/javascript'> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //hide all metaboxs function hide_all_custom_metaboxes(){ $('#template1').hide(); $('#template2').hide(); $('#template3').hide(); } //show a metabox function show_custom_metabox(meta_id){ var selector = "#"+meta_id; if( $(selector).length) $(selector).show(); } //first hide all metaboxes hide_all_custom_metaboxes(); //then check for selected page template and show the corect metabox var current_metabox = $('#page_template').val(); var split = current_metabox.split(".php"); var split_name = split[0]; show_custom_metabox(split_name); //and last listen for changes update when needed $('#page_template').bind("change", function(){ hide_all_custom_metaboxes(); //show_custom_metabox($('#page_template').val()); var current_metabox = $('#page_template').val(); var split = current_metabox.split(".php"); var split_name = split[0]; show_custom_metabox(split_name); }); }); </script> < ?php } } add_action('admin_footer', 'custom_metabox_per_template'); ?>
$('#template1').hide(); $('#template2').hide(); $('#template3').hide();
this code finds those metaboxes with the specified ID’s and hides them with jQuery
essentially, you’ll change the ID’s to whatever your template php filename is.
var current_metabox = $('#page_template').val(); var split = current_metabox.split(".php"); var split_name = split[0]; show_custom_metabox(split_name);
this is where i had to make a modification to that guy’s code. for that template dropdown, the values are the template filenames:
page template dropdown
<select id="page_template" name="page_template"> <option value="template1.php">Template 1</option> <option value="template2.php">Template 2</option> <option value="template3.php">Template 3</option> </select>
since we’re using the value to hide the ID, this causes an issue — ID’s can’t have periods in them. therefore, i put a split for that variable on the “.php” part to get just the filename without extension. BINGO!
now you can have a metabox appear based on a chosen template
refresher: custom meta boxes
i wrote this assuming you knew how to write a custom meta box… if you don’t, look it up. though this is the add function:
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'template1_add_post_meta_boxes' ); add_action( 'save_post', 'template1_post_class_meta_box', 10, 2 ); function template1_add_post_meta_boxes() { add_meta_box( 'template1', // Unique ID -- this will match what the filename is esc_html__( 'Template 1 Meta Box', 'example' ), // Title 'template1_post_class_meta_box', // Callback function 'page', // Admin page (or post type) 'normal', // Context 'default' // Priority ); } function template1_post_class_meta_box( $object, $box ) { ... }